Barrel Vault Skylight
These types of skylights work well to open up hallways and corridors. They offer vaulted transparent or translucent space above and a range of arched rafters from low vaults to hemispherical skylights with glazed vertical ends. They cover building-connecting walkways and can attach to vertical walls at either or both ends. Vault radius is generally determined by other architectural conditions or aesthetic requirements.
Curb size is determined by skylight size and structural requirements. Shallow pitched or large radius arcs may require wide curbs while shorter span hemispherical vaults may not require more than a standard 2 x curb plumb to the ground with the top of the curb flat. Click here for typical hemispherical barrel vault drawings. Architectural Skylight Specifications

Standard Design
Low Profile Barrel Vault
Glazing Options
The glazing selections for barrel vault skylights are limited. Bent glass glazing, in spite of considerably higher costs, offers only limited performance capabilities.

Clear Laminated

White Laminated

Bronze Laminated

Gray Laminated
Frame finishes
Pro-Polyurethane, a high solids polyurethane that is a highly versatile and durable coating suitable for use in a wide variety of metal finishing applications.




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